banner for the blog Post Carousel - How To Add It Easily To Your WordPress Blog

How To Add a Post Carousel in WordPress

Greetings, fellow WordPress enthusiasts and bloggers! In today’s world, where attention spans are shorter than ever, captivating your audience with visually appealing content is crucial. Blog post carousel has emerged as a dynamic and engaging way to showcase multiple pieces of content within a limited space. These captivating sliders enhance your WordPress website’s aesthetics and encourage visitors to explore more of your valuable content.

Whether you’re a seasoned WordPress wizard or a newbie to the platform, fear not! Adding the WP Carousel plugin to your website will make your content showcasing a lot more handy. WP Carousel doesn’t require coding expertise or expensive plugins. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn to unlock the secrets of effortlessly integrating the WP Carousel plugin into your WordPress site, transforming it into a mesmerizing hub of stories and articles.

Ready to enchant your readers and keep them hooked to your compelling content? Let’s start over!

Why Should You Choose WP Carousel Plugin?

Before diving deep into the step-by-step guide, Knowing the WP Carousel first is essential. So, what makes the WP Carousel very special for your WordPress website? The WP Carousel plugin offers many impressive features to help you weave the most seamlessly beautiful post carousel to your website. So, let’s check some of its key features.

Key Features:

  • Slide any content(post, video, product, image).
  • Lightbox function for images.
  • Different carousel control options.
  • 840+ Google fonts with advanced typography.
  • Multi-site support.
  • Page builders integration.
  • 24/7 customer support.
  • No coding knowledge is required.

And much more to offer!

Advantages of Post Carousel in WordPress

Incorporating a carousel plugin into your WordPress website opens up a realm of advantages that can significantly enhance user experience and engagement. One of the most notable benefits is the ability to showcase diverse content within a confined space. This dynamic presentation format saves precious screen real estate and captures visitors’ attention by offering a visually appealing way to navigate through your content.

Moreover, carousels facilitate storytelling by enabling you to unfold your message or products sequentially. This storytelling capability can boost the effectiveness of your website’s messaging and promotional efforts.

Furthermore, carousels can serve as interactive elements, encouraging visitors to interact with your content and explore multiple pieces of information in a single glance. By implementing the WP Carousel plugin, you empower your website with a versatile tool that optimizes space, engages visitors, and presents content in a compelling and efficient manner.

How to Add Blog Post Carousel with WP Carousel

In the realm of WordPress, crafting a dynamic post carousel has never been easier, thanks to the incredible WP Carousel plugin. This versatile plugin is a true powerhouse, enabling the seamless creation of captivating blog post carousels. To propel you forward in this endeavor, let’s navigate through a series of steps that pave the way:

  • Installing the WP Carousel on your WordPress website.
  • Create a post carousel from scratch.
  • Customization and other settings.
  • Launch and display the carousel.

Step 1: WP Carousel Installation

The process of installing and activating the WP Carousel plugin follows the same steps, just like other plugins. Assuming you’re already acquainted with these steps, I’d like to highlight that assistance is readily available should you require it. Please take a look at the provided installation guide below for a clear walkthrough of the entire process.

Hopefully, you have installed WordPress already. So, let’s start!

Firstly, download the WP Carousel plugin from

Secondly, Install WP Carousel.

To install WP Carousel, you must follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Website Dashboard.
  • Click on the Plugins from the left sidebar of the Dashboard.
  • Click on Add NewUpload Plugin.
  • Choose the zipped file named
  • Click Install Now & Activate the plugin.

Now you’re all set to create carousels!

install wp carousel

Step 2: Create a Post Carousel

Upon activation of WP Carousel, you find WP Carousel on your WordPress admin sidebar, as seen below. Now, follow the next steps to create a post carousel seamlessly.

add a new post carousel
Create a post carousel
  1. First, click WP Carousel.
  2. Next, click Add New.
  3. Write a post carousel title.
  4. Choose the Post from the Source Type.
  5. Choose the Posts from the drop-down menu.
  6. You can choose Latest or any other option as per your preference.

You can also limit the posts in the carousel by setting up a number from the Limit box.

Step 3: Customization and Settings

It’s time for customizing and setting up the blog post carousel. Go to the GENERAL SETTINGS tab to start over. You can choose your favorite carousel layout from the Layout Type options.

wp general setting

To select the carousel mode, go and click on the Carousel Mode drop-down menu and choose the Standard mode for your blog.

carousel mode

You can work one carousel style from the STYLE SETTINGS tab. Here, you can choose a section title, content position, slide border, border color, post title, post content, content display type, date info, author info, and much more.

wp carousel style settings

Now, go to the CAROUSEL SETTINGS tab to modify further operations. You can casually select the carousel orientation, control autoplay, autoplay speed, sliding speed, navigation setting, pagination setting, and much more.

carousel settings

Step 4: Publish the Post Carousel

You’re at the last and the final step. Hopefully, you’ve followed and done everything to make a fresh blog post carousel. Now it’s time to showcase the real artistry. First click on the Publish button at the top right. Next, copy the shortcode and go to the page or post you want to publish it on. Then, take a shortcode block and paste the shortcode. Great! You’ve just launched a new blog carousel.

You can edit and update the carousel whenever you want.

Super easy, isn’t it?

Wrapping Up

Finally, WP Carousel lets you create content sliders to capture your readers’ attention. Post carousels make your blog posts easy to reach. Overall, the WP post carousel plugin will create an easily navigable environment for your website. Eventually, your visitors will show their interest in your content, and the chances of conversion rate will go higher. So, what are you waiting for? Get the WP Carousel plugin today!

Hopefully, the article was helpful enough. You can also share your thoughts and experience with the WP Carousel with us. We appreciate your patience.





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